Setting Homework: What The Student Sees

When a teacher has created a homework task containing their students, those students will see it on their home screen when they next log in.

Example: Mr Le Breton has set up a homework task for his 2 Green, 1 Blue, 3 Gold class as shown in the following screen from the Teacher Admin.

The task

When a student from 3 Gold logs in they will see the following screen containing 3 tabs, the first containing active tasks, the second for overdue tasks and the third for recently completed tasks.

What the student sees

In this case, the student is required to complete the active task 'Week 1 Lessons'. The student clicks on the task link and the task detail screen opens.

What the student sees

Clicking on one of the lessons will bring the student to the lesson page where he can watch the video tutorial and then complete the online questions or the worksheet (if available).

What the student sees

Lesson completion will be reflected on the task detail page.

What the student sees

Progress will be visible by clicking on the task in the teacher dashboard.

What the student sees

Once the task has been completed, a tick will appear in the Completed column for the student. The student results will also appear in the teacher's report for that task.