MathsBuddy is now aligned with Te Mātaiaho, the updated New Zealand Curriculum for Mathematics and Statistics (Years 0–8).
Discover how MathsBuddy can transform your child's results
Video Tutorials

- Makes maths easy to understand
- Clear, spoken explanations
- Short, engaging, to the point - improves clarity and focus
- Pause, rewind or repeat a lesson so they really get it
- Learn much faster by seeing and hearing at the same time
- Learn without stress at home in their own time
- Catch up on lessons missed or not fully understood
Interactive Questions

- Tests how well the video lesson was understood
- Engaging and immediate feedback given
- Increased difficulty levels to match progress
- Automatically marked and recorded
- Huge variety of questions - great for quick revision too
- Increases confidence
- Kinaesthetic learning - actually doing the maths!
Worksheets & Solutions

- Tests how well the video lesson was understood
- Encourages the traditional pen-and-paper
- Improves ability to set work out in clear, logical steps
- Essential skill to achieve top marks in written tests
- Worked solutions great for learning too
- Automatically marked and recorded
- Can save progress and come back later if needed

- Ongoing progress reports
- Helps you identify weaker areas requiring further study
- Every lesson is recorded and results stored
- Detailed, easy-to-understand statistical information
- When they passed and what score
- Shows how much time and effort put in
- Instantly see areas where more review is needed
Enjoy a FREE taste of MathsBuddy
And you'll start seeing results as early as the very first lesson!